VR motion compensation with OVRMC
Use this output to generate a virtual VR motion compensation device.
Use it with the OVRMC software.
For more info about OVRMC, please visit the OVRMC site or go here.
Select the rig you are using.
Interval loops defines the update frequency of the data sent to OVRMC.
This module allows the user to use filters for each DOF of the rig. Adjust them to smooth the motion compensation and remove vibrations.
Remember that OVRMC has filtering included. So if you want to use filters in Mover, it might be better to disable them in OVRMC.
The buttons bellow, allow you to copy the sway filter to all filters, copy the sway filter to surge and heave, or copy the yaw filter to roll and pitch.
Don't forget to connect the output in the button or use the auto connect check box.
How it works?
We pick the pose sent to the rig hardware and generate a shared memory file (named motionRigPose) with all the pose values.
The values are stored in 8 bytes each (doubles), with the order shown in the module.
The filtering allows the removal of vibration that can cause drift in the motion compensation.
So now in OVRMC, instead of using a tracker device mounted on the rig, we can use this data, creating a virtual tracker device.